Digital Simulations - Expanded Polystyrene Sculpture, acrylic and black varnish and Augmented Reality
Materials is a series of works that aim to investigate simulations of digital forms and materials subjected to various forces and manipulated in their internal characteristics. The result of this work is then transformed into a physical object, in this case a polystyrene sculpture. There is a fundamental difference between modeling a digital 3D object and manipulating a simulation. In the first case we are dealing only with a form that passively receives every intervention we operate on it. In the second case, however, we find ourselves acting with an object that reacts to our actions, responding to a force with another equal and opposite.
In previous centuries, artists and craftsmen had the possibility of modeling the material only on condition that they respect and move in accordance with its immutable internal laws: each action of the author on the object corresponds to a reaction of the object to the tools and therefore to the author. One could not ignore the hardness of the marble, the malleability of the wax, the friability of the plaster, the fibrousness of the wood. With all these elements one could only collaborate with the aim of dragging them to the point sought by the author or to the intrinsic breaking point of the objects themselves (Archangel Sassolino). In Materials, the craftsman's work splits on two fronts: the handling of the material and that of its internal rules. Through parameters and mathematical functions the behavior of a certain object (more precisely of its simulation) can be completely transformed during construction. You can instantly switch from manipulating a solid to a fluid and then revert to a solid shortly thereafter. But it is also possible to retrace one's steps, canceling the actions performed and thus giving the material an unprecedented resilience. We can therefore compress, iron, tie, strike the object without fear of corrupting its qualities and therefore losing or ruining the work done up to that point.